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Available Puppies and Young Dogs

Below you will find pictures of our available puppies and links to their parents.  Our goal is to breed dogs so we carry rich traits that enhance good health, looks, and balanced temperaments to bring into your homes, or for a breeding environments.  We hope you enjoy your search and find in our litter to be exactly what you’ve been looking for.  

See below:  How to Choose a German Shepherd Puppy

http://www.mathausen.com > Mathausen German Shepherds 
http://www.bullocksk9kennels.com > Bullocks k-9 Training

How to Choose a German Shepherd Puppy

Choosing a German Shepherd puppy does not have to be so confusing. Bringing home a new German Shepherd puppy takes a lot of planning ahead of time and plenty of puppy proofing. Depending on which German Shepherd puppy you choose you are easily going to share your life with this new addition for 10 plus years. And depending on which GSD puppy you choose and how well you socialize and train your new puppy, the time spent with your German Shepherd puppy can be great or terrible or anywhere in between. Expect to pay between $800 and $1500 for a quality German Shepherd puppy. You will spend some money up front, but more money invested will save you in vet and other bills in the end. Buying a quality puppy ensures the support of a reputable breeder. For more information, visit www.gsdca.org, the German Shepherd Dog Club of America website. 

> What do you look for in your potential new GSD puppy? Most breeders and German shepherd enthusiasts will agree that temperament is key. Why is this so important? Because it makes your German Shepherd more compatible in any situation, with better coping skills no matter what you throw at it. Soundness in temperament is key, no matter what the future purpose of the puppy may be, such as working, herding, companion, etc. 

> Now, a major question: where can a prospective buyer find the perfect German shepherd puppy of their dreams? There is more than one answer to this question. Obviously the first thing you'll think of is from a breeder. This is by far the best way to get a German shepherd other than through a GSD Rescue Service or at your local animal shelter. If you decide to go through a breeder, just remember, not from just any GSD breeder. If you decide to do this make sure the breeder you choose your next companion from is reputable

> Just, what makes a breeder reputable you might ask? First I would start on the Internet. Check out the German Shepherd Dog parent breed club (gsdca.org), and do serious research with local German shepherd breed clubs in your area. This is a great way to get several names of breeders. Another good way is to get referrals from local vets, any dog groomers in your area, or other German Shepherd Dog owners that you know of. Please do all your research carefully and check out all recommendations and references seriously. Be cautious and ask a lot of questions. A good breeder will expect that from you and will ask you many questions as well, before you get an opportunity to take their precious puppy home. If any German shepherd "breeder" is willing to offer you a "deal", does not have a clean kennel or acts suspicious to you in any way, back out quickly. Trust your instincts.

> Look, for a GSD breeder who is truly interested in her breed and interested in finding a proper home for her puppies rather than getting paid. Any breeder who is simply in it for the money has the wrong motivation all together. Take the time to talk with the breeder more than once via the phone, email, etc. and visit the German shepherd litter more than once if possible before making your decision. 

> Also, does the breeder offer a guarantee? What type? What kind of documentation do you get with the German shepherd puppy? What about the registration papers? Pedigrees? What other things go home with the new puppy, such as food, collar, other paperwork? Did you get to meet the parents of the puppies and the litter mates? Did you get a chance to have hands on time with them? A reputable German shepherd breeder will offer all of this and more. Don't expect any less. 

> Additionally, ask the German Shepherd puppy breeder about shots, deworming, and exams the puppy may have already have had. Are the GSD puppy's parents "OFA certified?" AKC Registered? Ask to see certification of both parents from one of these organizations; reputable GSD breeders will usually offer the information without asking. And, take a very close look at the pup. It should be a proper weight (not too chubby or too thin), clean, odor-free and kept in clean surroundings, clear eyes, not runny or red, clean ears, full hair coat (no balding spots), no excessive scratching, and appear well-socialized, playful and friendly. Take the puppy to your vet for a complete exam within the contract agreement plan at time of purchase. 

Good Stuff
Please visit this website to get high quality dog collar, dog harness, dog muzzle, dog leash  for reasonable prices.  www.ForDogTrainers.com
Registration Notes
Limited Registration: Restricted registration of offspring that prohibits both AKC registration of any puppies produced by this dog and participation in conformation events. Limited registration is assigned to a dog by its breeder on its Dog Registration Application. It can be removed only by the breeder.  Additional reading go to http://www.akc.org/reg/limitedreg.cfm.   
Full Registration: gives the owners the rights to register their puppies offspring with AKC.  

Newmanhaus Kennels LLC
This page was last updated: August 6, 2023
Newmanhaus Kennels reserves the right to refuse
the sale of any of our dogs and/or puppies for any reason to anyone.
Phone: (910) 916-4721
Email: [email protected]